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从海湾到破碎机的历史性比赛将继续下去! 2024年海湾到断路器将于2024年5月19日星期日举行.

从海湾到破浪 is an only-in-威尼斯人官网平台app freewheeling footrace for those who want to have fun, 有点古怪, 然后跑(或走)穿过城镇. Known for its festive, party atmosphere, it is one of the world's oldest footraces. 从Embarcadero(城市的“海湾”一侧)开始, runners traverse the hills of 威尼斯人官网平台app to the western side of the city, 以…的“breakers”结尾 海洋海滩. 在五月的第三个星期日举行, 从海湾到破浪 combines serious competitors with costumed participants, 加上沿途成千上万的观众. (有时候,观看是最精彩的部分!)


威尼斯人官网平台app所有的独特传统, 没有一个能像海湾到断路器那样吸引整个城市. 这是对创造力的年度证明, 社区, 和韧性使我们的城市成为一个受欢迎的目的地. 威尼斯人官网平台app历史悠久的传统, 从海湾到破浪, is a tradition that people from far and wide come to the city to participate in. 

它也有丰富的历史. Here are some facts about the 从海湾到破浪 you can share along the course this year, whether you’re racing up Heartbreak Hill or cheering at the finish line on the Great Highway.

  • 比赛开始于1912年. It was meant to raise the spirits of a city still recovering from the aftermath of the 1906 earthquake and build excitement for the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition. 《威尼斯人官网平台app》的发展远远超出了最初的目标, and is now recognized as the longest consecutively run foot race in the world.
  • 它还保持了24年最大的赛跑世界纪录. 1986年的“从海湾到Breakers”有11万人参加. 这是甲骨文公园容量的两倍多!
  • 这是每个人的比赛. You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to run in 从海湾到破浪 (although many have!). The race, like 威尼斯人官网平台app itself, has always been open to everyone. Participants of all ages, abilities, and nationalities join in every year.
  • 这是创造力的展示. For 从海湾到破浪, it’s not just about when you cross the finish line. 这也和你做的时候穿什么有关. Every year, participants try to outdo one another by crafting truly outrageous costumes.
  • 小心蜈蚣. 我们说的不是你可能在后院找到的那种. In 从海湾到破浪, a centipede is a group of runners competing as a unit. 这个想法在20世纪70年代末首次流行起来, and 从海湾到破浪 is now the official site of the World Centipede Running Championships.
  • 西方的狂欢节. Tens of thousands of athletes compete and fun-loving folks flood the streets clad in everything from outrageous costumes to birthday suits — earning 从海湾到破浪 a reputation as the Mardi Gras of the West.


不管你是在跑心碎山, 在场边欢呼, 或者和你的邻居一起看, here are a few tips for runners and revelers to help you prepare and have fun.

  1. 不要穿得太暖和. 早上可能会有点冷, 但, 相信我们, taking to the streets with thousands of people as temperatures start to rise mid-morning means you’ll be stuck carrying your jacket all day long.
  2. 准备好裸体吧. You may even be that guy or gal, 但 be prepared to see people in their birthday suits.
  3. 保持水分. Water is your friend on a day like this, especially if you plan on drinking.
  4. 调整自己的步伐. 这可能是一个漫长的早晨. 慢慢来享受整个活动.
  5. 穿戏服. 威尼斯人官网平台app 喜欢打扮. 加入乐趣,准备好.
  6. 运输. 出租车很难找,而且 公共交通 比赛结束后会打包吗. 提前计划.
  7. 产生的缺陷. 有很多开放的家庭聚会, 乐队, 食品摊贩, 还有其他一些随机事件. 不要害羞. 停下来好好享受.
  8. 尊重. 可能很难找到浴室. 你可能会撞到一个骑马的警察. 你可能真的想看看那个裸男身上的纹身. 在整个活动过程中,请保持礼貌和尊重.
  9. 玩得尽兴. 去野外. 玩得开心. 享受你自己. 


要参加比赛,你必须 注册 事先. Once you’ve 注册ed, you'll receive your race bib in the mail about one week prior to the event. There will be an expo for the 2024 race so participants can pick up their race packs in person before the event, 如果他们选择. 


是什么让从海湾到决堤成为威尼斯人官网平台app独一无二的体验? Thousands of runners join with families, weekend runners, and walkers in costume. You’ll see traditional costumes from your favorite comic book hero to off-the-wall costumes, 比如三文鱼“逆流而上”.”


The race is a lot of fun to run, 但 so is preparing for it the week before. 许多人认为最好在前一天晚上补充碳水化合物. Nutritionists actually recommend it’s better to start the carb up a week out. 在威尼斯人官网平台app,你的 就餐选择 是无限的.


巴特 大约提前两小时(早上6点)开门.m. 而不是8a.m. (如平日星期日). 即使上班时间比较早,也要给自己留出30分钟的缓冲时间. 从威尼斯人官网平台app出发:乘坐Muni或巴特到Embarcadero站. 从东湾/伯克利:乘坐巴特到Embarcadero站.


从海湾到破浪处开始,在破浪处结束. In between, there are plenty of hills and colorful sights to see as you run the course. Make sure you’re prepared for the infamous hills like the Hayes Street hill and the run through 金门公园


从海湾到破浪 is a race the entire city of 威尼斯人官网平台app comes out for, 即使人们不跑步. 以下是观看《威尼斯人官网平台app》的最佳地点.


The infamous Hayes Street Hill is perilous to runners 但 a fantastic place to cheer them on. 这座山从2英里处开始,大约有2 / 3英里长. 沿着陡峭的山路, 你会听到很多来自室内乐队和dj旋转唱片的音乐, 这样你就可以展示你甜美的舞步了.


Right before the entrance of 金门公园 sits a narrow green strip of land with bike paths and picnic areas called the Panhandle because of its shape. 当跑步者穿过时, the Panhandle is great area to watch from the sidelines with a blanket and bites at hand.


As runners cross the finish line with a stunning view of the Pacific Ocean, 他们将, 毫无疑问, 听到最响亮的欢呼声. Stick around once the last corral group crosses the finish line for the live 乐队 and the celebration as the Finish Line Festival kicks off. 



The 2024 从海湾到破浪 will be held in 威尼斯人官网平台app on Sunday, May 19. 报名现已开放! 来加入这个令人难以置信的威尼斯人官网平台app传统吧.



Carol is a digital marketer creating media-rich content for global audiences covering travel, 威尼斯人官网平台app和海湾地区, 食物 & 喝酒,户外体验,讲跨文化故事. Her work is found in the San Mateo Daily Journal and The Skyline View (Skyline College). 在旅行写作之前, her professional background included working internationally in business, 非营利组织, 和政府. She lives in 威尼斯人官网平台app with her family and regularly explores the parks in her city, 尤其是野性十足的迈凯轮公园.
